Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hello World! Let's Get to It!

This is my very first blog so let me start with 1.) I'm open to suggestions, 2.) I apologize for the mess while I figure this out and 3.) Who am I and why do you care???

My name is Christy and I live in a beautiful little country town in South Georgia. I'm 50 years old -that still sounds strange to me!!- and my husband and I have been married for 25 years. Over half of my life!! You'll hear about him in future posts so let's start with his name is Ronnie, he's 20 years older than I am, and I'm still as much in love with him today as I was the day we married. Yeah, I'll tell you how we do that.... later. I have 2 beautiful daughters and you'll hear about them too. Tina is 32 and married. She's the mama to my Grandpuppy Paris (what? they don't let ME name them!!) My other child is Amanda (she changed her name to Mandi when she was 13; I didn't name her that and I'm not calling her that) Amanda is 29, married also and the mother to my 2 skin Grandchildren. You will hear a LOT about them because they are the reason my heart beats. Silly, precocious Riley is 8 and sassy, cheeky Maddie is 6. I love taking and sharing pictures so I'll start with this year's Santa pic with me, Riley and Maddie and a rare picture of me, the girls and grands at Christmas this year.

My passions in life are:
Being a Grandma - the grands are here every weekend so I always have stories

Being a Mom to Adult Daughters - it's hard. Harder than when they were teens. We'll get through it.

Being a Loving Wife - that's hard too sometimes but we'll talk about that as well. Good, bad and ugly.

Fingernail Polish Art - My newest hobby and I love trying new things and sharing pictures. Until I get this blog straight, you can see my past nail art (and some cute grandkid pictures) on my Instagram at Christy's Instagram 

Being Mom to my Boxer - Dixie is 6 years old and she runs the house. We just follow her lead.

Surviving Rheumatoid Arthritis - I've had RA for over 20 years and have an amazing doctor who       allows me to participate in my own treatment and we are very aggressive with it. I moderate a support group for people with autoimmune diseases and I love helping people who are newly diagnosed and starting to freak out. You CAN survive this. I'll help you if you ask.

Occasionally I'll throw in some Scrapbooking, Painting, Sewing, Decorating and crazy life moments that I've attempted. If any of these topics interests you I hope you'll come back to see what I've got to say. A warning... I've got a very sarcastic tone. I like what I like, I don't like what I don't like and since this is MY blog, either like it or leave it. I can't promise no "adult" content as in language, jokes, funny-to-me memes that catch my eye or rants about life events, etc - nothing hardcore, THAT I will promise! I would love feedback giving me hints, tips, ideas and your thoughts on my posts but do not send me hate messages. I don't care and I won't read it so you're wasting your time.

I also love contests! I've won some big ones (car, Vegas trip, diamond jewelry...) and I love to share good ones that I find. I would also love to share the wealth and I think I'm going to attempt to have a contest of my own in a couple of weeks.  Hang in here with me while I figure this all out and send me whatever help you can! I look forward to sharing life with you and getting to know everyone!


  1. Love the blog and can't wait to enjoy the ride along the way with you through it all.

  2. Great job!! I'll try to jump in just to keep you on your toes!!

    Love ya

  3. Great job!!! I'll try to jump in just to keep you on your toes! Love ya
